Tuesday, May 24, 2011

my bad boy kyo p. 9

Chapter 9
Normal POV
Gently laying you down Kyo crawled onto you and started nozzling your neck an kissing it. Moving you hands down his back you reached the end of his shit and began pulling it over his head. At the same time he undid the buckly on your pants and was pulling them down.
Soon you had his top off and was dont what he had just done to your pants. Pulling off your top he reached behind you and began to feel around the back of your bra for the clasp. Letthing out a small laugh, you pointed down to the front of the bra and he quickly undid it.
After he had you undress fully he sat up and gave you a quick look over. Giving you a smirk he came back down and claimed your lips before he placed a finger into you and began moving it around. MOaning you moved your hips a little to get used to him having his fingers in you. After a few more thrust he added in two more fingers and continued thrusting them in and out. Eventually he got tired of using his fingers and pulled them out while placing his hands on the sides of you he positioned himself so he could enter you. Claming your lips once more he thrusted into you and began to move slowly to keep you from feeling any pain.
Yuki's room, Towa's POV
You and Yuki had been laying in each others arms kissing for the last five-six minutes. He had invited you back to his room to have some privacy but it had turned into a little more after you and he began to get ready for bed.
You hadn't gotten your pajamas on but you didn't mind since Yuki had been the same way. He decided that instead of pajamas he would sleep bare with you in his arms. At first he was nervous but he soon relaxed as you two began to kiss.
Slowly the kiss began to become more inenss and Yuki soon lost all sense of himself. Kissing your bare neck he moved down and began sucking each of your breast causing a moan to escape your lips. Pulling him back up you asked him if he wanted to go forther with youer eyes and he gave you a quick nod. Flipping him over you positioned yourself on him and thrused down and made him enter you.
Thrusting in and out you gave into the pure pleasure of being with Yuki and felled him take over while flipping you back onto the bottem.
Almost twenty minutes had past and you had finaly climaxed. Falling back Yuki cuddled up close to you and held you while you both fell fast asleep to dreams of being together.
Shiwa's room normal POV
Kyo had just climaxed along with you and layed you down. Laying on his cheast you could feel that he was puring and smiled. Scooting closer he wrapped you in his arms soon you drifted off to the sound of him purring.
2 lemons in one 8l
okay there is your lemons for both yuki and kyo hope you enjoyed