Friday, April 9, 2010

krauser oneshot

Okay this is a late one-shot for moviechick244

Name: Innocence Maria

Guy of interest: Jack Krauser

Lemon: yes

Story start:

Walking off the chopper you headed into the base, it had been several months since Wesker had sent you out to retrieve a sample of the plagus, little did you know that meant having one shoved into your right arm. You had been sent out along with two others, Ada Wong and Jack Krauser, you hadn't thought much of either seeing as this was your first mission with either but you quickly grew to like Krauser. You hadn't told him about your feeling since he seemed to be cold hearted to all others that included you.

Stepping into the dinning hall you spotted a free table and walked over, taking out your food you gritted your teeth as your arm started to pulse in pain, your plagus wasn't one to be around so many people and you had yet to learn to fully control it, you had been one of the few who had not been took over by it and turned into a mindless killing machine you guessed that was due to the strenuous mind test you had gone threw before even being sent out on the mission. Getting up you tossed your food in the garbage not really caring for it to start with, it always was tasteless, and headed back out to the training grounds, you wanted to get in a little practice before the newest recruits got in and destroyed the place trying to act cool.

Pulling open the door and stepping in you seen that the room was completely empty. Smiling you tossed all your stuff against the side wall since you had already pulled your training gloves. Going over to a punching bag you slowly started warming up with your punches and kicks.

Twenty minutes passed and you had switched to armed combat, keeping your eyes closed you concentrated on any slight noise in the room. Hearing someone try and sneak up behind you, you quickly turned stabbing at them only to have your arm grabbed and your knife hold broken then flipped over onto the ground and pinned. Hearing your assailant laugh you opened your eyes to see none other the Krauser sitting on you holding you down, “Your reaction time is good but your defense is lacking, you should work on it, other then that it was a fairly good attempted on your behalf.” He stated standing up.

Quickly getting to your feet you replied, “this is only the first time I have actually had someone come up behind me during practice, I normally don’t let my enemy get behind me, it shows weakness in ones judgment.”
“That is a good point but what happens when you don’t perceive the attack and it is from behind?” He questioned back.
“then I do my best to maneuver so that my attacker is to the front of me instead of behind.”
“Hm, good idea,” he stated stepping over to you placing a hand under your chin, “but what if it isn’t meant to harm you what if instead it is for other reasons?” He smiled moving behind you and moving his hand along your shoulders.”
“What are you getting at?”
“Just as I said, not all the attacking from behind are meant to harm.” He smiled more. “I’m just glade that it was you in here, otherwise I would have had to scare the little twerp out of here who was in my training room.”
“Your training room? This room is for any who wish to practice!”
“you would think so but since there are two other rooms I have clamed this one for my own, now I think you owe me for using my room.” He smirked and bent down to kiss along your neck.
Blushing you pushed him away. “Krauser this is not appropriate behavior for coworkers.”
“I don’t care if it is or not, I’ve been wanting to do this since I first seen you, and damn Wesker if he tries to stop me from going threw with it.”
Blushing more you felt him pull you against him.
“Maria don’t you feel the same about me? I did see you watching over me when I fought Leon.”
“Well yes I do but I didn’t think you gave a damn about me since you always were so cold.”
“That was an acted, Ada tends to think I like her, so I usually show everyone a cold side so she will see it’s not specially for her.” He stated again moving his hands down your waist pulling you closer so you could feel just how much he wanted you at the moment.
“K…Krauser.” You groaned blushing more.
“I’ll be gentle, if that’s what your worried about, and no one will dare come in here, I locked the room up just incase.”
Looking up at him you could tell he was being sincere, pulling his head down lightly you kissed him. His lips were slightly ruff but soft at the same time. Kissing back he moved you over to one of the mats and slowly laid your down onto them. Hissing lightly you felt the plagus in your arm twitch wanting to be released, using what little strength you had you pushed it down keeping it from slicing Krauser into pieces.
“And here I thought I was the only one who had that thing put into me,” he laughed lightly letting his left arm change showing you his own, then changing it back so as not to harm you.
Smiling you quickly pulled him down kissing him, after seeing you weren’t the only monster at S.T.A.R.S. you felt more confidant about being with him.

Feeling him pull your clothing off you did the same to him while still kissing him. Once you both were fully undressed he looked you over smiling, “so perfect.” with that he started kissing along your neck while slowly pushing a few fingers into you causing you to moan out his name. Moving with him slowly wrapped your arms around his shoulders massaging them while he pulled out his fingers and positioned himself at your entrance. “This might hurt at first but the pain will subside shortly.” With that he pushed into you slowly watching to make sure he wasn’t hurting you to much with his size. Gritting your teeth you nodded to him that it was okay to go faster as you moved some letting him have more room inside of you. Thrusting in faster he gained a moan from you and smirked while leaning down kissing and sucking on your chest leaving you with several hickeys and bite marks.
Thrusting with him you kept moaning and dug your nails into his shoulder. “OH KRAUSER!!!!”
As he thrust harder he moved your legs up onto his waist making you wrap them around him so he could go even deeper and you both moaned louder.
Moving faster you dug your nails deeper into his shoulder as he groaned your name reaching his climax the same time as you did, cuming he layed against your chest smiling at you. Smiling back you kissed him again and ran your fingers threw his hair. “I love you Krauser, more then you’ll ever realize.”
“I love you just as much Maria.” He stated kissing you again.

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