Tuesday, January 29, 2013

going under (Abe Sapien love story) LEMON

ok this is a lemon i did for my friend Sad0utcast on quizilla here's a link to the main story http://quizilla.teennick.com/stories/23017053/going-under-abraham-sapien-love-story-chapter-13 now here is the lemon! One month later -Cassie's POV- You had finally recovered enough to were you could leave my tank; Abe had visited you every day as you were stuck on tank rest. He had explained to you what happened, and as he visited we grew closer and closer. Finally though it was the day you were allowed to leave the tank and get used to life outside water once more. The first thing you did was walk; clumsily you might add, to Abe's room. He was surprised to see you out of my own tank and quickly swam up to the glass. “Cassie are you alright, did the doctors say you could leave your tank?" "Yes everything is alright I've gotten much better, thank you." "You look wobbly please come join me in the tank I rather you not fall." Moving up the ladder you slipped into the water. It was warm and nice to be back off your feet, you really weren't used to walking again. Swimming over to Abe you rested next to him and smiled. "I'm glade to finally be out of my tank even if it’s to come and be with you in another." "It’s good to see you out of it." Abe smiled pulling you into his arms and onto his lap. Nuzzling close you leaned up kissing him lightly blushing. "Abe I really like you." "Only like?" Blushing slightly more you replied, "No I actually love you." "I love you to." Leaning down Abe kissed you and ran his fingers through your flowing hair. Shifting some you deepened the kiss and placed a hand lightly on his cheek. Pulling away slightly you looked deep into his eyes. You know things were moving fast but you didn't care, you loved this man. "Abe is there any way to make this tank more private?" Nodding he leaned over and pushed a switch causing a shutter to cover the front of the tank blocking the outside from seeing in. "Is this better?" "Yes much better." Shifting you moved pulling off your top and straddled his lap. "Cassie are you sure this is what you want?" "Yes Abe." You smiled leaning down and placing a kiss full of love on his lips, then moved undoing the pair of light pants and pushing them off and away not having any under garments on. "Cassie you are so beautiful." Abe stated pulling you back into his arms and pushing off his swim trunks. Moving some you ran your hands down his chest knowing he wanted you just as much as you wanted him, reaching his stomach you moved one arm around his side and the other you lightly stroked his dick feeling how hard he already was. Looking into his eyes you moved close and kissed him, then moved your hips, having positioned him, and pushed his dick into you. Biting your lip you waited for the pain to subside before you slowly began moving your hips. Feeling Abe moving with you, you let out a moan and arched up against him, "oh Abe I never imagined it to feel this good." "Neither had I Cassie," He stated holding you close and picking up speed. Groaning you moved your hips faster with him and wrapped your arms up around his back putting your hands onto his shoulders shacking from the pleasure. Feeling your body tense you moaned out "Abe" and arched even closer, "Oh Abe I’m reaching my limit!" "As am I," he moaned back moving himself deeper into you. Groaning louder you scratched down his back hard enough to leave a trail of claw marks down it as you orgasmed unable to hold it back. Pulling your hands back up around his shoulders you felt him orgasm into you as well as you both went limp and layed back on the some what sandy bottom of the tank holding onto each other. "Oh Abe I love you so very much." You panted out laying your head onto his chest. "I love you greatly as well my Cassie." Abe replied just as out of breath as you, and held you close as you slowly drifted off in his arms.

1 comment:

  1. I just tried the link to the story but it just takes me to Nickelodeon.com
