Tuesday, January 29, 2013

going under (Abe Sapien love story) LEMON

ok this is a lemon i did for my friend Sad0utcast on quizilla here's a link to the main story http://quizilla.teennick.com/stories/23017053/going-under-abraham-sapien-love-story-chapter-13 now here is the lemon! One month later -Cassie's POV- You had finally recovered enough to were you could leave my tank; Abe had visited you every day as you were stuck on tank rest. He had explained to you what happened, and as he visited we grew closer and closer. Finally though it was the day you were allowed to leave the tank and get used to life outside water once more. The first thing you did was walk; clumsily you might add, to Abe's room. He was surprised to see you out of my own tank and quickly swam up to the glass. “Cassie are you alright, did the doctors say you could leave your tank?" "Yes everything is alright I've gotten much better, thank you." "You look wobbly please come join me in the tank I rather you not fall." Moving up the ladder you slipped into the water. It was warm and nice to be back off your feet, you really weren't used to walking again. Swimming over to Abe you rested next to him and smiled. "I'm glade to finally be out of my tank even if it’s to come and be with you in another." "It’s good to see you out of it." Abe smiled pulling you into his arms and onto his lap. Nuzzling close you leaned up kissing him lightly blushing. "Abe I really like you." "Only like?" Blushing slightly more you replied, "No I actually love you." "I love you to." Leaning down Abe kissed you and ran his fingers through your flowing hair. Shifting some you deepened the kiss and placed a hand lightly on his cheek. Pulling away slightly you looked deep into his eyes. You know things were moving fast but you didn't care, you loved this man. "Abe is there any way to make this tank more private?" Nodding he leaned over and pushed a switch causing a shutter to cover the front of the tank blocking the outside from seeing in. "Is this better?" "Yes much better." Shifting you moved pulling off your top and straddled his lap. "Cassie are you sure this is what you want?" "Yes Abe." You smiled leaning down and placing a kiss full of love on his lips, then moved undoing the pair of light pants and pushing them off and away not having any under garments on. "Cassie you are so beautiful." Abe stated pulling you back into his arms and pushing off his swim trunks. Moving some you ran your hands down his chest knowing he wanted you just as much as you wanted him, reaching his stomach you moved one arm around his side and the other you lightly stroked his dick feeling how hard he already was. Looking into his eyes you moved close and kissed him, then moved your hips, having positioned him, and pushed his dick into you. Biting your lip you waited for the pain to subside before you slowly began moving your hips. Feeling Abe moving with you, you let out a moan and arched up against him, "oh Abe I never imagined it to feel this good." "Neither had I Cassie," He stated holding you close and picking up speed. Groaning you moved your hips faster with him and wrapped your arms up around his back putting your hands onto his shoulders shacking from the pleasure. Feeling your body tense you moaned out "Abe" and arched even closer, "Oh Abe I’m reaching my limit!" "As am I," he moaned back moving himself deeper into you. Groaning louder you scratched down his back hard enough to leave a trail of claw marks down it as you orgasmed unable to hold it back. Pulling your hands back up around his shoulders you felt him orgasm into you as well as you both went limp and layed back on the some what sandy bottom of the tank holding onto each other. "Oh Abe I love you so very much." You panted out laying your head onto his chest. "I love you greatly as well my Cassie." Abe replied just as out of breath as you, and held you close as you slowly drifted off in his arms.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

my bad boy kyo p. 9

Chapter 9
Normal POV
Gently laying you down Kyo crawled onto you and started nozzling your neck an kissing it. Moving you hands down his back you reached the end of his shit and began pulling it over his head. At the same time he undid the buckly on your pants and was pulling them down.
Soon you had his top off and was dont what he had just done to your pants. Pulling off your top he reached behind you and began to feel around the back of your bra for the clasp. Letthing out a small laugh, you pointed down to the front of the bra and he quickly undid it.
After he had you undress fully he sat up and gave you a quick look over. Giving you a smirk he came back down and claimed your lips before he placed a finger into you and began moving it around. MOaning you moved your hips a little to get used to him having his fingers in you. After a few more thrust he added in two more fingers and continued thrusting them in and out. Eventually he got tired of using his fingers and pulled them out while placing his hands on the sides of you he positioned himself so he could enter you. Claming your lips once more he thrusted into you and began to move slowly to keep you from feeling any pain.
Yuki's room, Towa's POV
You and Yuki had been laying in each others arms kissing for the last five-six minutes. He had invited you back to his room to have some privacy but it had turned into a little more after you and he began to get ready for bed.
You hadn't gotten your pajamas on but you didn't mind since Yuki had been the same way. He decided that instead of pajamas he would sleep bare with you in his arms. At first he was nervous but he soon relaxed as you two began to kiss.
Slowly the kiss began to become more inenss and Yuki soon lost all sense of himself. Kissing your bare neck he moved down and began sucking each of your breast causing a moan to escape your lips. Pulling him back up you asked him if he wanted to go forther with youer eyes and he gave you a quick nod. Flipping him over you positioned yourself on him and thrused down and made him enter you.
Thrusting in and out you gave into the pure pleasure of being with Yuki and felled him take over while flipping you back onto the bottem.
Almost twenty minutes had past and you had finaly climaxed. Falling back Yuki cuddled up close to you and held you while you both fell fast asleep to dreams of being together.
Shiwa's room normal POV
Kyo had just climaxed along with you and layed you down. Laying on his cheast you could feel that he was puring and smiled. Scooting closer he wrapped you in his arms soon you drifted off to the sound of him purring.
2 lemons in one 8l
okay there is your lemons for both yuki and kyo hope you enjoyed

Friday, April 9, 2010

krauser oneshot

Okay this is a late one-shot for moviechick244

Name: Innocence Maria

Guy of interest: Jack Krauser

Lemon: yes

Story start:

Walking off the chopper you headed into the base, it had been several months since Wesker had sent you out to retrieve a sample of the plagus, little did you know that meant having one shoved into your right arm. You had been sent out along with two others, Ada Wong and Jack Krauser, you hadn't thought much of either seeing as this was your first mission with either but you quickly grew to like Krauser. You hadn't told him about your feeling since he seemed to be cold hearted to all others that included you.

Stepping into the dinning hall you spotted a free table and walked over, taking out your food you gritted your teeth as your arm started to pulse in pain, your plagus wasn't one to be around so many people and you had yet to learn to fully control it, you had been one of the few who had not been took over by it and turned into a mindless killing machine you guessed that was due to the strenuous mind test you had gone threw before even being sent out on the mission. Getting up you tossed your food in the garbage not really caring for it to start with, it always was tasteless, and headed back out to the training grounds, you wanted to get in a little practice before the newest recruits got in and destroyed the place trying to act cool.

Pulling open the door and stepping in you seen that the room was completely empty. Smiling you tossed all your stuff against the side wall since you had already pulled your training gloves. Going over to a punching bag you slowly started warming up with your punches and kicks.

Twenty minutes passed and you had switched to armed combat, keeping your eyes closed you concentrated on any slight noise in the room. Hearing someone try and sneak up behind you, you quickly turned stabbing at them only to have your arm grabbed and your knife hold broken then flipped over onto the ground and pinned. Hearing your assailant laugh you opened your eyes to see none other the Krauser sitting on you holding you down, “Your reaction time is good but your defense is lacking, you should work on it, other then that it was a fairly good attempted on your behalf.” He stated standing up.

Quickly getting to your feet you replied, “this is only the first time I have actually had someone come up behind me during practice, I normally don’t let my enemy get behind me, it shows weakness in ones judgment.”
“That is a good point but what happens when you don’t perceive the attack and it is from behind?” He questioned back.
“then I do my best to maneuver so that my attacker is to the front of me instead of behind.”
“Hm, good idea,” he stated stepping over to you placing a hand under your chin, “but what if it isn’t meant to harm you what if instead it is for other reasons?” He smiled moving behind you and moving his hand along your shoulders.”
“What are you getting at?”
“Just as I said, not all the attacking from behind are meant to harm.” He smiled more. “I’m just glade that it was you in here, otherwise I would have had to scare the little twerp out of here who was in my training room.”
“Your training room? This room is for any who wish to practice!”
“you would think so but since there are two other rooms I have clamed this one for my own, now I think you owe me for using my room.” He smirked and bent down to kiss along your neck.
Blushing you pushed him away. “Krauser this is not appropriate behavior for coworkers.”
“I don’t care if it is or not, I’ve been wanting to do this since I first seen you, and damn Wesker if he tries to stop me from going threw with it.”
Blushing more you felt him pull you against him.
“Maria don’t you feel the same about me? I did see you watching over me when I fought Leon.”
“Well yes I do but I didn’t think you gave a damn about me since you always were so cold.”
“That was an acted, Ada tends to think I like her, so I usually show everyone a cold side so she will see it’s not specially for her.” He stated again moving his hands down your waist pulling you closer so you could feel just how much he wanted you at the moment.
“K…Krauser.” You groaned blushing more.
“I’ll be gentle, if that’s what your worried about, and no one will dare come in here, I locked the room up just incase.”
Looking up at him you could tell he was being sincere, pulling his head down lightly you kissed him. His lips were slightly ruff but soft at the same time. Kissing back he moved you over to one of the mats and slowly laid your down onto them. Hissing lightly you felt the plagus in your arm twitch wanting to be released, using what little strength you had you pushed it down keeping it from slicing Krauser into pieces.
“And here I thought I was the only one who had that thing put into me,” he laughed lightly letting his left arm change showing you his own, then changing it back so as not to harm you.
Smiling you quickly pulled him down kissing him, after seeing you weren’t the only monster at S.T.A.R.S. you felt more confidant about being with him.

Feeling him pull your clothing off you did the same to him while still kissing him. Once you both were fully undressed he looked you over smiling, “so perfect.” with that he started kissing along your neck while slowly pushing a few fingers into you causing you to moan out his name. Moving with him slowly wrapped your arms around his shoulders massaging them while he pulled out his fingers and positioned himself at your entrance. “This might hurt at first but the pain will subside shortly.” With that he pushed into you slowly watching to make sure he wasn’t hurting you to much with his size. Gritting your teeth you nodded to him that it was okay to go faster as you moved some letting him have more room inside of you. Thrusting in faster he gained a moan from you and smirked while leaning down kissing and sucking on your chest leaving you with several hickeys and bite marks.
Thrusting with him you kept moaning and dug your nails into his shoulder. “OH KRAUSER!!!!”
As he thrust harder he moved your legs up onto his waist making you wrap them around him so he could go even deeper and you both moaned louder.
Moving faster you dug your nails deeper into his shoulder as he groaned your name reaching his climax the same time as you did, cuming he layed against your chest smiling at you. Smiling back you kissed him again and ran your fingers threw his hair. “I love you Krauser, more then you’ll ever realize.”
“I love you just as much Maria.” He stated kissing you again.

Friday, February 19, 2010

tricked into love

okay this is a very veeeery late oneshot for superfuntimeluver09, sorry it's took me so long I'm still a little blocked up but I'll do my best.
Pulling up to seventh heaven you jumped off your bike and headed inside, you had been called by Tifa to come talk to her about something. It had been months since you had talked to any of them, you had been avoiding the place since cloud had kissed you on new years. It wasn't that you hated him, you had in fact been in love with him for months before hand. Stepping inside you looked around but found no one, pulling up one of the seats you flopped down in it and waited.

Twenty minutes had past before someone came walking into the bar, looking up you seen it was none other then your crush cloud. Pulling out a seat he sat across from you, "guessing tifa called you here to, great."
"what's wrong with that she's my friend to after all, but seeing as I've been her for almost half an hour and she don't look to be showing I'm leaving." getting up you went and tried to open the door, sadly it was locked. "cloud you baka you locked the door coming in!"

"no i didn't it was unlocked!"
"well it's sure not unlocked now" you growled trying to open it still.
getting up cloud walked over and tried to open it also, "damn it i bet this is tifa's doing she's been trying to get me to talk to you but i don't want to start a fight with you," he sighed.
Moving away from the door you sat back down and leaned back in the chair, "fine whatever."
"you know we won't be able to leave till we get what ever is bothering you out of the way."
"there's nothing bothering me." you muttered blushing remembering the kiss.
"there's something your going red." he laughed
"is not." you growled jumping up.
"oh i bet i know, it's cause of what happened on new years wasn't it."
Blushing even more you looked at him.
"listen Amanda, you can be upset about it but i kissed you for a reason." he stated sitting down again.
"and what reason was that?"
"i like you, alot, it's hard for me to say but i do."
Going even more red you looked him in the eye, you could tell he wasn't lieing to you, he never was a good lier at least not with you. "cloud, why didn't you tell me before, it could have saved us both alot of trouble."

"what are you talking about your with that stupid red headed Turk."

"Reno?" you ask gagging, "hell no I'm not with him, he's just been hanging around me trying to get me to join up with the Turks but there is no way I'll ever EVER join them."
"so you kissed him because?"

"I've never kissed him, who told you that." You stated twitching.

"he did, guess I'll punch him for it when i see him next." he growled pulling you over onto his lap.
blushing even more you leaned your head on his shoulder.
"so what would you like to do now?"
"not sure but i doubt tifa's even around to let us out."

"we could go upstairs, spend some time alone?"

"cloud since when where you a pervert?"
"i guess Reno's rubbed off on me," he laughed picking you up and running upstairs.
Going bright red you held onto him imagining what he meant.
Walking into the room he kicked the door shut and carried you over to the bed. Kissing you he slowly lowered you onto it and started to remove both of your cloths.
pushing him back on the bed you slowly crawled up him and kissed along his jaw, while taking his all ready half erect manhood and moved your hand along it earning a moan from cloud.
Flipping you over he began playing with your chest causing your to moan. Pulling your legs apart he slowly pushed two fingers into you. Shifting you let out another moan and pulled cloud down kissing him, feeling him pull out his fingers he moved so he was in between your legs and looked into your eyes. "you ready Amanda?"
Nodding you pulled him down into another kiss as he slowly pushed himself into you.
Moving with him you moaned out his name as he thrusted himself deeper and harder. "Cloud oh cloud!"
Digging your nails in you felt yourself clench around him the climaxed. Laying back you felt him cum deep inside you as he layed against your chest.
"Amanda i will never stop loving you," he stated kissing you.
"And i will never stop loving you Cloud."

Sunday, October 25, 2009

a half demon's demon's payment a dante oneshot

okay this is for my friend neko)

Stepping out the door you let out a sigh, this has been the twentieth place you have look for a job, no were in this town was willing to hire someone of your talents. You had been an demon slayer, but because of the times there wasn't many demons around who needed slaying. Walking down the street more you came across a place named devil my cry, looking it over you decided it was probably the best bet for getting a job.

Walking inside you looked around, it was a mess there was pizza boxes just laying around and empty dirty dishes everywhere. Suddenly the phone on the desk started ringing and a white haired man came out from the back and answered it while holding up a finger to you. Standing there you watched him right down a few notes then hang up and look towards you asking, "so what can I do for ya? "Blushing some you replied, "well um I'm actually here to see if you needed the help of a demon slayer.""nope sorry babe, but that's actually my job in this town, no ones gonna higher ya, hell I rarely get any jobs. "Sighing you bowed, "alright then, thank you for your time." turning you headed for the door only to have the man grab a hold of your arm. "hey you don't need to leave so fast actually you could help me, see the job I just got seems like it's going to be a hassle, it's at the bar a few blocks down and well, it's gonna require a women’s touch, and as you see I'm not really.....equipped for it."
Blushing more you turned back towards him, "what exactly do you need me to do?"
"just go in there and talk to a guy named Remy LeBeau (lol yeah I know I have to XD), he's our target but he don't talk to guys, in fact he will blow their head off......literally."
"O......kay, well I'll head that way now then but you'll have to pay up afterwards."
"Oh I'll pay ya back" he mumbled following you out the door.

It didn’t take long to get to the bar, and it was already getting late so it was thankfully open. Stepping inside you headed over to the counter and took a seat and ordered a drink. While waiting a man in his twenties came up and sat down next to you, "what's a fine lady like you doin in a place like this?"
Looking at him you just faked a smile, "I’m actually here to meet someone, see my friends told me about this really hot guy, I think his name was Remy or something."
"Well your in luck that happens to be my name cheri, and what might yours be?"
"My name....... I don't really have one anymore." You replayed watching for what he'd do next.
"Ah well then I'll just call you angel." He stated, smiling while placing an arm around you.
"Angel, I like it." You smiled back, and took a sip of your drink that had finally arrived.
"So Angel, why not you and me blow this stand and go somewhere a little more, fun?"
"Depends you gonna play nice?"
"Oh I’ll play real nice." He smirked.
Getting up you finished off your drink and headed out with him, keeping an eye out for the man from devil may cry. As the two of you walked you had slipped your weapon out of you shirt sleeve and kept it close. Seeing him turn into an ally you followed thinking now would be a perfect time to finish him off. Keeping a close eye on him you went into the ally, "Gambit what are we doing back here?""Nothing to fear I said we'd have fun," he stated and grabbed you pushing you into the wall.
Figuring you weren't going to get him just yet you pulled him close and smiled, "Well big boy lets have some fun," with that you pulled him to you and kisses him while wrapping your arms around his neck. Feeling him kiss back you found your opening, lifting the dagger up you aimed straight for where his heart was and attacked stabbing him and causing him to howl in pain. "Oh did I forget to mention I'm here to kill you, demon" you state smiling as you watch him slowly die. Stepping towards him you leaned down and checked to make sure he was truly dead, seeing that he didn’t so much as twitch you let out a sigh. Getting up you dusted yourself off some, “that was an easy kill,” you muttered and headed for Devil May Cry to get your pay.

Walking back into Devil May Cry you found the place completely cleaned up. Whistling you headed straight for the back room figuring that would be where you would find the guy. Stepping into the back you looked around wide eyed to see candles light everywhere, “must have lost electricity or something.” you mumble and continue heading back.

Finally reaching the door you figured was his back office you knocked and waited a few minute. Hearing no sign of him answering you decided to just go in. Soon as you entered you quickly regretted it, you had walked in on the guy sleeping necked. Turning to leave you heard him mumble in his sleep. “Gotta find him, gotta beat him…..”
Walking over you leant over the bed to hear him better but then was suddenly grabbed and pulled into his arms like a teddy bear. Blushing you tried to pull away but finally gave up since his grip was to tight on you.

2 hours later

Laying on the bed you were still being held by a sleeping man you now knew as Dante, you had found his id on the nightstand next to the bed and just barley grabbed a hold of it. You had learned a little about him to from his sleep talk, like that he had started Devil May Cry to help gain information on his twin brother Vergil, the two of them had gone separate ways and Dante wanted to find him again, after all he had to pay him back for stabbing him threw the gut.

Rolling over some you heard him grunt in his sleep, sighing you decided just to stay still, that was until you felt him finally let you go. Jumping up you stretched and whispered “victory!”. Before you could leave though you heard him sitting up and blushed. Tiptoeing towards the door you tried to sneak out before he could catch you but once again luck got the worse of you, “hey babe couldn’t wait to come back and get you pay could ya lol, why not come back into bed?”
Cursing under your breath you kept from looking at him and calmly asked, “what makes you think I was ever in bed with you?”“I can smell your perfume on my pillow,” he replied.
You could tell at this point the had a smirk on his face, but didn’t want to turn back around to see for sure.

With out you realizing it he had made his way over to you and wrapped his arms around you from behind, “by the way my names Dante what’s yours?”
“I already know your name and mines Angel.”
“I like that, the angel and the demon together, soooo should I go ahead and give you your pay? Or do you no longer want it?”
“Depends what is it?” You questions almost afraid of what he’d say.
Hearing him laugh he pulled you closer to him, “well since you did have to suffer with that Remy guy I figured you’d like to have some real fun.”
Blushing even more you stuttered, “tha….that was nothing I’ve had far worse.”
“Weeellll if you don’t want to I guess I’ll just have to let you leave with out any form of payment, after all I wasn’t paid for that job with cash just information on some certain things.”
“If you really want to thank me you could start by apologizing, I was only in your bed cause you grabbed a hold of me in your sleep.”
“Oh then I wasn’t sleepin I grabbed you on purpose,” he stated smirking even more.
Going beet red you stutter, “you did that on….purpose!”
“Yeap,” was all he said while slowly moving you back towards his bed.
Letting out a sigh you gave in, after all you did think he was hot, plus the two hours of laying with him did give you a chance to learn about him. “fine but you need to be safe I’m not getting pregnant with twins like your dad.” you stated and watch as he stood there dumbfounded, “not my fault you talk about your past in your sleep.”
Waving it off he just smiled again, “yeah I already got that covered babe.”
Blushing more you sat down on his bed as he slowly laid you back and began kissing your neck while pulling off your cloths while kissing down lower and lower. Moaning lightly you run your hands through his hair as he kisses down your stomach and takes off the rest of your clothing, and kisses down lower. Once again blushing you let out a light moan as he ran his tongue over you and started kissing and sucking on you.
Moaning louder you pulled on his hair lightly. Smirking he came back up and kisses you while pushing two fingers into you and moving them around slowly. Letting out a light groan you moved with his fingers as he slowly kissed his way down again slowly to your chest. Making a small circle with his tongue he teased your chest earning another louder moan from you. Pulling his finger out of you he looked into your eyes and seen that you were now pouting, moving some he pushed your legs apart and centered himself. Kissing you again he pushed into you quickly so that he wouldn’t hurt you to much.
Kissing back you moved with him slowly and kisses along his neck searching for his soft spot. Hearing him moan you started sucking and lightly biting at one spot, earning another louder moan out of him. Speeding up he caused you to gasp as he went in even deeper to you. Digging your nails into his back you kept moaning out his name as he continued to go into you faster with each thrust. Feeling a tightness in the pit of your stomach you pulled him down closer and moves with him faster. Hearing him let out a grunt you realized that he to was reaching his limit and decided to go faster. Thrusting in one last time he came with you and fell back down and rolled over onto the bed. Letting out a sigh you moved over and laid your head against his chest as he wrapped an arm around your waist holding you close to him. Smiling you looked up at him and stated, “you know I think that’s the best payment I’ve ever gotten out of someone, how about we make this a permanent partnership?”
“You know babe I actually love the sound of that.” He smirked kissing you again and held you closer.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Walter Sullivan oneshot

Walking threw the building you let out a sigh, you had been walking around this place known as silent hill for what seemed like days when in reality it had only been a few hours. You had heard about this place once before but it had turned out to be nothing like you were told, the monsters seemed to avoid you at all times you had even ran into pyrimade head and lived, you were about to scream when he had covered your mouth and told you, yes told you not to scream.Headed down the hall you reached the end and now stood outside room 302, you could hear someone inside and you didn't want to alert them of your precence so you had turned to leave only to feel someone grab you and pull you into the room. Letting out a light scream you looked up to see a man standing there smirking down at you, quickly backing up you scanning the roomonly tofound a bat and grabed it and stuttered out a stay back. Smirking he took another step forward and pulling the bat from your hands. Curling up you started shaking you didn't want to die but at this point what was there to do you had just lost your only means of defending yourself against this man. Shaking you curled up more as you heard him lean down, awaiting the pain of your death you shook only to feel him place a hand on your head soothing you. Peaking your head out of your arms you seen him smiling a real smile at you.Slowly you stoped shaking and he pulled his hand away getting up to leave. Grabbing ahold of it you Yelled, "NO......ple....please don't leave me."Turning back he smiled once more and came back over. "Don't worry nothing will harm you as long as mother wishs it.""Why am I here and who are you?""I'm Walter, and your hear because mother wished it along with me, she had originaly sent me to kill you but I couldn't bring myself to after seeing you. I've been watching you for a while know and I know that you have had as horrible life as I had.""WHAT?!"

"I relise it might seem like I'm nothing but another stalker but believe me I'm not, I don't want to see you hurt."Backing away you hide in the corner as you seen him get up again, "I'm sorry I'll leave you if you wish, but relise you might not be safe if I do.""Stay! please...."Smiling he once more came over to you. "allright but you might want to stop that shaking it makes me feel as if you're truelly not wanting me here.""I'm sorry I can't help it,""I understand," he muttered lifting your head up with his hand and placing a kiss on you lips lightly. After a few minutes he went to pull away you quickly grabed him and kissed him back, hearing him let out a light moan you blushed. Licking your lip he asked for permission to explore and you gave it to him feeling his tounge go into your mouth and start to slowly rub against your own.After a few minutes of making out you both back away for air."I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that.""No it's fine."" I don't want to force you to do anything your not ready for Bakkey.""I know but I feel safe with you, I now you'll never hurt me or just take advantage of me," You smiled as you leaned over and started kissing his neck while slowly removing his cloths.Feeling him respond you finished removing the rest of his cloths and pulled off you own as he slowly layed you down and stared kissing you once more. Moaning lightly you felt him move a little trying to get in the right spot then quickly he entered you causing you to wimper in pain. Slowly moving in and out of you, you felt the pain subside and let out a moan of pure pleasure.Kissing you once more he moved to sucking on your chest as you ran your hands along his sholder blades moaning lightly.As he sped up you wraped your legs around him causing him to go into your deeper moaning. kissing along his neck you heard him let out a moan and started sucking on the spot knowing it was his soft spot. Moaning more he sped up again and started going into you harder causing you to moan out his name, "WALTER!"Soon as you moaned his name he fell against you and cum. Panting you cummed with him and held him close pulling your nails out of his back."I love you so much bakkey I never want to see you hurt by any one ever."Kissing him once more you rolled so you were laying on yoru side still holding onto him with him in you and replied, "I think I might love you to Walter."Smiling he held you closer and kissed your head, soon drifting off to your soft breathing.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

a kakashi hatike oneshot (if i spelled that wrong get over it Xl)

(okay this is for my sister so if it don't make sense to any of you then to bad this is hers so XP XP XP XP)

Walking threw the woods of konaha you let out a sigh, it's been months since you moved into your new home with your life mate Kakashi. It hasn't been to long but all he seemed to do was go out on mission after mission leaving you home alone to clean and work on your garden. You couldn't stand it; it was all ways to quiet.

Heading inside you went into the shower and washed off the dirt from the garden, you had help with it from your sisters group. She was the temporary leader of the Akatsuki and she had told you if you ever needed anything just come by she'd make sure the guys were to busy to bother anyone. Stepping out of the shower you wrapped a towel around you and started brushing your waist length dark brown hair, and pulled it up into a loose ponytail.

Not caring if you weren't dressed yet you walked into the room searching for something to wear, walking over to the closet you sifted threw your cloths looking for the perfect outfit. Feeling two arms wrap around your waist you blushed like crazy only to hear, "you don't need to dress you look perfect just like this my little kitten."
Turning you blushed even more to see Kakashi with out his face mask, it was rare but when he had it off you all ways felt like attacking him and taking him right there. Seeing him smirk you quickly shook off the thought knowing he had heard it.
"oh you do now do you," he laughed and bent down calming you lips in a fiery kiss.

Kissing him back you were led over to the bed were he layed you down still kissing you. "You know that you can all ways 'attack' me any time right little kitten?"
"I wish you would stop calling me that all ready." You pouted and pushed him away some.
"Hmmm but I thought you loved that nickname?"
"Well i don't." You laughed and stuck out your tongue.
"Well then I guess I'll just have to keep calling you it now won't I." He laughed and scratched your cat ears.
"S....stop that!"
"Nope don't think I will." He smirked and kissed you once again while slowly pulling off his own cloths.
Pulling away from the kiss you realized that you no longer had your towel around you and that he was laying on you necked.
"Is something wrong?"
"N...no it's just...."
"Don't worry I just wanted to make us even if you don't want to do anything we won't."
"Baka can't you smell anything?"
"lol I can smell your heat yes but I don't want to take advantage...." before he could finish you kissed him deeply and moved your hips against him causing him to moan.
With out realizing it he had entered you causing you to moan with him. Moving your hips you keeped speed with him and started to kiss along his neck while he leaned down and claimed your breasts with his own mouth.
Letting out another moan you wrapped your legs around his waist making him go into your deeper and at the same time he speed up causing you to moan louder.
"Oh kakashi, I love you so much."
"And I love you to my little kitten."
Moaning again you felt him push in one last time and cum. Laying back you let out a sigh cumming with him and moaned out his name, "oh kakashi."

Laying down next to you he pulled you into his arms while you moved closer and rested your head on his chest purring. Before you drifted off to sleep you heard him ask you, "why don't we start a family?"
"really but what about all the missions you have?"
"I'll talk to the hokage tomorrow and get time off, she'll understand, after all I've been working to much as it is."
Kissing him once again you purred, "I'd love that my kakashi."

(okay this one's not that long but if you have complaints about it take it up with someone else cause now my hands burn Xl you better have enjoyed it baka!!!!)