Thursday, January 8, 2009

deathless love sephiroth/kadaj love story p.12

re: Not being able to resist it you leaned forward and kissed him, and he returned it. Feeling him lead you to your room you sighed and went with him. XD Me: just for you narn since I never made your other lemon!!Steping into the room you were lead over to the bed as he continued to kiss you deeply. Feeling him like your lips you parted them and allowed his tounge to enter and explore your mouth. With out relizing it you pulled down the zipper on his suit (I have made a decleration he's wearing a body suit, i've said it there for it's right!) and then pushed it down and off him, while he slowly pulled off your own cloths.Letting out a shiver you pulled him close and let out a moan as he sliped into you at the same time.......... Me:good just stay silent! Narn: *drooling*Moving with him you let out another moan and mumbled his name. As he kissed your neck he began to grab ahold of your breast and groan your name, you could tell you both were reaching your end and so you let it come and screamed his name.Collapsing onto the bed you let him roll over and lay on the bed next to you. Pulling you to him he smilled and kissed your forhead, "I love you Faye, even if you are supposed to be my niece I don't care, I'll never see you as that, instead I want you to be my wife.""Kadaj, of course, I love you to."Cuddling closer you let out a yawn and started drifting off to sleep in his arms.there you go, not that long but I have 2 other ones to make still but I hope you enjoyed it and here is a pic just for this chappy!

my lovely lady shigure p.8

Chapter 8Sitting down on the lakes dock you unpacked some of the food while Shigure was over by the trees fiddling with something. After pulling out the last of the food you turned and looked at the lake. The last time you were here that ass Guy had showed up and shoved you in. Atleast this time it wouldn't be so bad, Shiugre was there and no one could take that from you.Feeling him come and sit down behind you, wrapping you in a loving embrace you let out a sigh and grabbed a sandwich from the food."What are you thinking about over here?""Oh nothing," you replied and dug nto the food"Well now, don't wait for me. I might have to take that from you." He laughed and snatched your half-ate sandwick and finished it off."Hey that was mine!""Well then you should have moved faster."Pouting you turned back towards the lake while he kissed your head.Suddenly the two of you were shoved into the lake by someone from behind Shigure. Coming up you spotted the colprit. Trudging out of the lake and over to her, "okay you got me, but this only calls for war little sis.""Oh no this wasn't my doing it was his." She laughed and pointed at Haru who was still on the dock helping Shigure out."Then that makes you an acomplice therefore I think I'm going to just do this." You replied smirking you grabbed her and ran over to the lake jumping in along with her. Coming up you seen that Haru was pulled in by Shigure and started laughing harder."Okay prank war is officaly on Shiwa!" Towa yelled getting out and pulled Haru back to the house to plot."Prank war?""Something we picked up from Viva La Bam." You shrugged and layed in the sun."I see, well then before they show up again there's something I want to ask you.""Go ahead." You said with a little shiver.Coming over he pulled you into his arms again and held a box out for you, "Shiwa will you...will you marry me?"Looking at the now revealed ring you let out a small gasp, "Shigure are you sure, I mean, we still don't know if Akito has given up on taking me away.""I'm positive and there is no need to worry about Akito, Aya called while you were playing games. Akito passed away, he had went to go tal to Guy at the jail and he had an attack, his heart shut down on him," Shigure explained."I'm sorry for him, he might have been an evil ass hole but that is just a horrable way to die.""Don't worry about him, we all knew it was going to happen one of these days. Now do I have to ask you again?""No you don't my answer is, of course, yes." You laughed and kissed him causing him to fall over.Pulling away he smirked, "maybe we should get out of these wet cloths, then again the house is now in the hands of your sister so going there might not be safe.""No it wouldn't, then again we will get sick so, Shiugre as your editor I'm ordering you to get out of those wet cloths this instened.""Right away mame!" He said laughing and pulled off his robe, (///-_-/// pervy mind!)"Now I dn't want you sick either, so same goes for you miss Jenova."Laughing you mimiced him and pulled of your shirt and pants."Good enough." Shigure mumbled and pulled you into his arms and started nibbling at your neck.Holding back a giggle (hate that word) you moved your head and allowed him more room. Turning you aruond he moved up to your face and kissed your lips. Returning it you felled his tounge lick your lips asking for enty. Allowing it in he began to explore your mouth.Pulling away for air you looked into his eyes and seen the same thing that you had seen when Akito rapped you, only this time you wern't afraid you knew Shigure wasn't like him and would be gentle about it.Laying down you wrapped your legs around his showing that it was okay, after all you allready could feel his member going stiff. Looking into your eyes he mummbled, "Shiwa are you sure, I can wait till after we are married.""I'm sure, after all how much free time are we going to have with our jobs." You smirked and kissed his neck and collor bone. Standing up he pulled you into his arms bridle style, "then we should move to some where, were we wont be seen after all they might come looking.""Good idea."Carring you he went into the woods a little ways and layed you back down, and layed back on you pulling down your underwear, while you did the same to his boxers. Slowly sliping into you he looked into yoru eyes and with this apologizing for any pain he might have caued just then. Groaning you began to move your hips in time with his and went back to kissing him. Shigure moved one of his hands from your hips and placed it behind your head making each kiss deeper while you wrapped yur legs around him and thrusted a little harder making him go in deeper.soon both of you climaxed and fell onto the forest floor. Pulling you closer shigure muttered, "I think we should go get our cloths and the rest of the food from the pond.""Yeah that's if no ones allready took them."Walking out of the wods you were greated by a very pissed and scary looking Towa, "Why didn't you tell me you planned on asking Shiwa to marry you?!""Because you were either with her or gone out at school or with Haru.""Oh well, that would be why, any way, sis guess what! Haru asked me to marry him to! We can have a bouble wedding right?""You'll need a dress, Aya can make it, he allready made Shiwa's" Shigure stated as you slipped into your cloths."Really! This is going tobe wounderful, oh wait we have to tell mom and dad about this still.""I'll take care of that lets just get back to the caben it's geting dark and I have to talk to the others about Akito still."Grabbing Towa's hand you ran off to make wedding plans and call your parents.Wedding but it's not even that far into the story Me: told you it was a short series Xlthere's chappy 8 soon chappy 9 then 10 and then new story!

my lovely lady shigure story p.3

chapter 3Sitting down in the back seat next to Akito you held back a yawn and looked out the window. "So tell me where would you like to go Shiwa?""Im not sure it's a nice day maybe we could go to a park.""That sounds like a good plan we cna have a picknick lunch there later How about before that we go to this fair that is in town?""That sounds perfect I haven't been to a fair in years.""Allright Hatori to the fair.""As you wish just don't push yourself to much sire, we don't want you to get sick.""I know Hatori." He sighted and sat back into his seat.Looking towards you Akito asked, "Why not tell me some more about you, like wh isyour favorite actor?""I would have to say Jhonny Depp, he was amazing in Pirates of the Carribean.""I haven't seen theat yet. I don't watch to much T.V. or movies, what about other things you like?""Well you allready know I like to wrote, lets see, I like anime and video games, I can't really think of much else.""Anime, what's your favorite?""Right now it would have to be Naruto.""I haven't ever heard of that one.""Well it's mostly a fighting one." You explained to him then blushed because you had admitted something a little emberasing.-_- your wierd, Me: yes yes i am but your still here so no complaing XPLater that day after lunchSitting on a swing you relaxed as Akito pushed you from behind."This has been a great day, thank you Akito, I've loved it.""That's good, my why don't we go back to te Sohma estate we could watch a movie or smething.""that sounds good to me." You laughed jumping from the swing. Headed back into the car you suddenly got a chill down your back like something was wrong about this. Shaking it off you pulled your seat belt on and relaxed into the seat.After what seemed like minute you pulled up to a house at the estate, Akito got out and helped you out. Stepping into the home you were amazed to see it was bigge then it looked, if you were a theif you might get lossed. Following close behind Akito you let out a shiver, it felled like you weren't going to be leaving this place anytime soon. Shaing off the thought you looked ahead of you and relized that you had been led to a bedroom."um Akito what are we doing in here?""I think you know very well my dear Shiwa.""Akito!""Oh don't act surprised," he laughed and shoved you n he bed with more force then you figured he had. Before yo ucould get up he was next to you and had you handcuffed to the bed posts and then your legs werelocked in chains. Quickly you began struggling as he moved away and you let out a freightened scream."My dear girl, no matter how much you scream no one will hear. That's the beauty about being head of this family I can order them to leae and not come back till around 11 at night." He commonted with a evil chuckle as he undressed.Still stuggling against your bonds you let out another scream hopping that someone might have come back a few hours ealier then they should have. With the same evil smile on his face he walked back over and with a quick flick of his arm cut off your outfite and then covered your mouth so you couldn't scream again. Letting out a sob you began to shake as he crawled onto your now neckid shaking body."Shh, there's no reason to fear me, wel there is but right now I wnt you relaxed." He whisperedas he petted the sides of your face with his middle and pointer finger. Bending down he pushed your hair away from your neck and began placing kisses down it. Holding back a whimper you felled him part your legs and move so he could enter you."I know this is quick but it's allready 10:56 the maids should be back soon and I don't want you here when they get back." He sighed and pushed himself into you as ruffly as possible. Chocking back another screa you felled him grabe your hips and force you to move with him. Quickly tears began to stream down your face as he kept forcing himself into you. While at the same time sucking rufly on your breasts.After what seemed like hours of torcher he finaly collapsed onto the bed and sighed."Now that wasn't so bad was it Shiwa?"Getting up he walked over to the dresser and grabbed two keys and came back to you and unlocked the cuffs and chains. "Now get out before the maids return I don't want them to see a necked woman outside of his home or etate." He growled leading you to the door.As you stepped out you felt a blanked be dropped on you. "Can't let you freeze." He laughed then went back inside slamming and locking the door. Wobbling from the pain you were in you left the estate and headed towards Shigures with tears rushing down your face.He so going to die!!!! Me: oh he will but not anytime soon unfortanatly, or maybe not at all who knowsthere is number 3 ^_^ 4 out soon ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Cloud Oneshot and lemon

Here is the first of the two oneshots that have been requested I hope you all enjoy it ^_^Sitting in Seventh Heaven you let out a sigh. It had been raining for the last 6 days and you were getting sick of it. You wanted to get out of here and go for a ride on Clouds bike even if he hated when you 'borrowed' it. Leaning over the counter you heard the door open and looked back to see your best friend coming in and waved, "heya still raining cat's and dogs out there Akito?""Yeah but it's slowing down, any way have you been here this whole time Yuri?""Yeap can't go any where with this rain plus my bike is in the shop.""Still? Why not just pay Cloud to fix it for you?""Because he would be to busy and it would set outside for months on end.""True so where is he any way?""No idea where he is he asked me to wait for him to get back because he wanted to talk to me about something, but he wouldn't say what.""I bet he's going to tell you he loves you.""Cloud only loves....." but you couldn't finish because you felt someones eyes on your back, turning you seen it was none other then Cloud Striff, the man you were talking about.Running over to him you smaked him and questioned, "What took you I've been waiting?!""I had to go all the way to Neiblahim, sorry it took so long, now I need to talk to you in private." He mubbled and grabed your wrist pulling you towards his room. Soon as you were in he shut and locked the door. Raising your eye brow you gave him a questioning look as he walked over and put his hand on your sholder. "Yuri I've been meaning to tell you, I've been in love with you since the day you walked into the bar with your brother Vincent.""W...what?! You can't be serious!""I am please just give me a chance to proove it.""Fine since it's been raining and I've been here waiting I want a ride on your bike.""done."Later that dayLaughing you followed Cloud inside and out of the rain."So do you believe me now Yuri that I like you?""I don't know a bike ride don't realy say that you love someone.""Then how about this?" Cloud stated pressing you against his bedroom wall and kissed you deeply.Gasping you tried to resist but gave in in the end, you had allready knew deep down that you were in love with Cloud you just never wanted to admit it. Feeling him pullaway you quickly kissed him back. Suddenly he picked you up and went over to the bed still kissing you. Laying you down he sat down on your stomach and layed you back. Pulling him closer you made the kiss into a french kiss as you felt his arms running downyou side and up your skirt.Pulling away you looked at him wide eyed, "are you sure about this Cloud.""I'm sure if your sure.""A...Allright." you said kissing him once more.Slowly he went back to pulling your underwear away from you.Lemon starting!!!!! Skip here if you don't want to read it!Lifting up you gave him room to pull them away and then watched as he got up and pulled off his own cloths. Coming back over he layed down ontop of you and started to rub his hands against your chest. Blushing you asked, "Is this your first time?""yeah I'm guessing it's your's to.""yeah I'm kinda nerves.""Well I'll be carful I promise." He replied and positioned himself to enter. As soon as you gave a nod he quickly pushed into you and began to move in and out. Moaning you pulled him closer and moved along with him.What seemed like only minutes later you felled like you where going to scream his name but resisted as you both climaxed. Rolling over Cloud pulled out of you and layed down next to you on the bed.Lemon end!!! That means it's safe to read now!Moving close to him you smiled and cuddled up to him and drifted off, but not before hearing him say those oh so wounderful words, "I love you Yuri Valentine.""I love you to Cloud Striff."

Alfred Ashford oneshot and lemon

It was close to midnight as you walked into the building you had left not even half an hour before. You had been called back to this place that you refured to as the hell hole. Pushing the button for the top floor you let out a sigh. The ony reason you were called back into work after hours was because your boss, Sir Alfred Ashford, had wanted you to file the days signed paper work and to finish the weekly news letter. He chose you because you were the one person he loved to torcher the most out of all six hundred employees.As you stepped out of the elevator and into the dimly lit hall you were greated by the soft sound of someone playing the violen. Figuring it was just Alexia, Alfred's twin sister, practacing as usual. Walking down the hall you soon reached the overly familer desk that you sat at day in and day out. Walking off to the right of it you came to Alfred's office. Normaly you would sit at your desk as others came and asked to see him, and woundered why is it he never allows peole in that office with out having requesting them to come himself. Tonight instead of all the others it had been you, his so called faithfull secratary to get called in.Knoching on his door you heard him call for you to enter. Pushing open the door as gentaly as you could you slipped in the room and shut the door as was asked. Sitting down in the only chair avalable you watched as Alfred shuffled threw a few pages he had been reading just a few seconds before. Acting as if he just relized it was you that had come in he set the papers down and pulled out a bin of papers to file. Pushing them across the desk he said, "here is your filling when you are done get started on the paper.""Yes sir." You replied and picked up the fairly large bin of papers. Walking out of his office you couldn't help but fill as if he had been watching you leave and in the process staring at your ass.Pulling your desk chair over to the file cabnet you began pulling out page after page from the box and sorting them into the approprite folders.While working you began to get the feeling someone was watching you. As you began having chiles run down your back you slowly loked up from your almost finished work and looked around the office space. Finding no one around you decided to quickly finish up your work on the newsletter so you would be able to go home and get some rest before you had to come back in at seven in the morning. Just as you were about to return to typing up the final section on the new regulations the phone began to ring. Picking up you answered, "Yes this is Krista, do you need anything sir?""Will you please return to my office Krista?""Right away sir." Having him hang up you returned the phone to its receiver and stood up. Woundering what he wanted you walked back to his office. Stepping in you were stuned to find that it was now lit with candles instead of the desk lamp like before. Stepping in more you found that there was a lasagna dinner set out on two plates. Begening to become nervous you turned towards were you thought Alfred was sitting only to hear the door shut and lock behind you. Turning you were abruptly met by Alfred pressing his lips against yours causing you to gasp and try to shove him away only to have him push you against the door and pin your arms above your head.Pulling away only enough to allow you to breathe, he looked you deeply in the eyes and stated. "Krista, please forgive me for that. If I'm correct it was the first time you have ever been kissed.""Sir, please your hurting my wrists." You whispered fearing what he would do to you.Quickly realesing them he turnied away from you, "If you would like I would love to have you join me for dinner, I doubt you have had a chance to eat since luch today.""Thank you sir, I am hungry.""Please Krista call me by my name, sir makes me sound old, I am only 27.""Si...Alfred why are you acting so diffrent then how you normaly treat me? And why did you just kiss me?" You asked sitting down and taking a bite of the food."I think that the kiss explains itself. As for being nice when I'm normaly so cruel, I can't stand hidding my feelings towards you with hate anymore.""But isn't it forbidden to have a relatonship with another employee?""I made that rule Krista, therfore I can break it, or if you wish just get ride of it all together."This was the biggest shoke you had reseved yet, Alfred wasn't one to get ride of a rule he created to keep his emplyees in line. There had to be some sort of catch to it. As if reading your thoughts he added smirking, "of course if I did this you would have to be mine.""I don't know abotu this, Alexa would have a fit if she found out you were giving us some freedom wouldn't she?""Alexia is my sister, she would understand. So what do you say?""I really am not sure Alfred, I don't really have to much time as it is, when I'm not here I'm in Raccoon city taking care of my parents. We wouldn't get any time together between work and them.""I'll help take care of them. I can have them admitted to the best hospital if needed.""Are you sure you want to be with me." You sighed."I have been in love with you since I first layed eyes on you Krista, nothing will change that." He replied taking your chin and tillting your face up.Watching him you tried to figure out if this was all an act and if you would be fired for caving. Giving up you asked him one final question, "Have you been watching me work?""Yes I have, only because I couldn't help myself.""Alfred you just answered your own question then.""Relizing you just said yo woudl be his girlfriend he pulled you into another kiss this one even more passonate then the last. Wrapping your arms around his neck you made the kiss deeper while he slowly placed his hands on your waist and directed you to one of the walls. Pulling away you raised an eyebrow as he felled for something on the wall. Finding what he was looking for he pressed down on a hidden switch and the wall slide away.Before you could turn to look at what was behind the awll he kissed you once again and picked you up. Moving into the room he hit antogher swithch this time with his foot and placed you onto something squishy.Finaly being allowed to pull away you inspected the new room. It was smaller then the office and was also lit with candles. It was just light enough for you to see that this room was a hidden rest area, do to the fact that you were sitting on a water bed. Turning back to Alfred you were greated by him being only in boxers. Backing away further onto the bed you stamered, "Alfred what do you think is going to happen?!""I believe that we are going to be having a little fun then we will rest here for the night." He replied with a sexy smirk that caused you to melt."Alfred I don't think I'm ready for this.""Don't worry we can go slow with it till you are comfortable with it, trust me, I won't hurt you if it can be helped."Looking into his eyes you found them to be full of consern.Felling your heart pond faster you pulled off your top and layed back, you had come back in wearing stretch pants since you hadn't had much to wear and your work pants had just been tossed into the washer. Soon as you head was rested against the pillows Alfred came around and layed down so he was facing you. Kissing you once again he began to run his hands alongg your back to help you relax. At one point he had gave you a look asking if he could go further and you nodded your head in approval.Filling him push the top of your pands and underwear down to the point were he could fully kiss yoru stomach he moved down from your lips and did just that. While he kissed you he moved his hand and inserted two finger into you causing you to buck your hips and him to go in deeper.Fearing that he had just hurt you he looked up at you. Showing him you were fine he sighed in releaf and continued kissing your stomack and lower cheast. Fully enjoying this you let out a maon and moved with him. Since he was still parshily laying on you, you could feel he was getting hard and was wanting to go further then just this.Pulling his hand out of your lower regen you reached back down and pushed his boxers off of him. Looking at him you could tell he was surprised by this so you decided to show him you were ready. Leaning up you gave him a passoniat kiss just like the one you shared as you come into his office earlier. Deciding now would be good he positioned himself and entered you as carfully as he could so you wouldn't be in to much pain. Having been ready for this you bite onto your tongue and kept yourslf from letting out a scream. Soon Alfred had gotten dwon the rythem and you joined in as he began to nibble on your neck.Soon you had reached both of yoru limits and as you were climaxing you both moaned out each others name. Fallig back on the bed you sighed and felled Alfred pull you close to him. Resting against his cheast you decided to tell hm what you ahd felled like saying so many times threw out the years, "Alfred, I love you.""I love you to Krista and I allways will." He replied holding onto you tightly as you drifted off to sleep.Me: go to the results so I know you read it PLEASE!!!!allright i'm getting better at these, at least i think i am!!! anyway hope that you enjoyed, message me with any comments on it and read my other stuff!!!

Rufus Oneshot and lemon

Walking out of Fay's office you felt like heading home and relaxing in your brand new hot tube. Stepping out of the company you greeted by a star filled, cloudless night sky. Taking out your cell you dialed your boyfriends number.After three rings it went over to voice messaging."Hey just calling to let you know that I'm off work now and headed home. I hope that you don't have to work long. I'll be waiting up for you, call when you get off, night."Putting your phone away you decided to walk home. Your house was a five minute drive so you figured it would take close to fifteen minutes to walk. That gave you time to plane what to do when you got home, you usualy had half an hour alone before someone would call you, drop in for a visit; that was usually Cloud or Reno; who was your bro and going out wit your bro's boss or Rufus Shinra your boyfriend.Tonight you hoped that Cloud and Reno would leave you alone. Walking past a fence you relized that you were right by the park that Rufus and you went to on your first date. He was so sweet that day, he had come by your place with a bundle of fresh longstem red roses and asked you to join him for a walk. That was almost a year ago; a year ago next saturday would be your one year anoversery.Coming out of your thoughts you relized that you entered the park and were setting at a bench. Leaning back you looked up to the stars. A few munutes passed and you felled someone sit down next to you."Beautiful night isn't it?" You asked"Yes it is, but it isn't as beautiful as you are." They replied and wrapped their arms around your waist."Hey buddy, I'm sorry but I'm taken. Now if you don't mind take your hands off me.""And what if I don't want to.""Then I will be forced to do this!" You shoulted elbowing him in the gut and jumping up when they let go. Quickly turning you went to slap the guy when you relized that it was none other then Rufus."Oh shit, babe I'm sorry, I didn't even relize it was you. Are you okay, I didn't hurt you to badly did I?""Nothing a kiss wouldn't fix." He mentioned coming over to you.Pulling him clos you gave him a kiss and let out a shiver. Rufus noticed and pulled off his jacket. "Here we wouldn't want you to get a cold now do we. We should get you home.""Allright."Wrapping his his arm around you he started towards your home. Sighing you laid your head onto his shoulder and thought about how wonderful this last year had been. You had got a job with a boss who had the same power as you, got to hurt your ex-boyfriend, Cloud for cheating on you, at the same time find a great boyfriend, therefore driving your brother crazy do to the fact they are his boss.Shifting your head you noticed Rufus watching you from the corner of his eyes."Is there something on my face?""No, just admiring your stupendus beauty is all.""Rufus! Your making me blush." You laught and took out your door key. Rufus just smirked and said, "maybe I can do more then just make you blush.""Rufus! you should be so glad Reno isn't around.""Oh he won't be around for a day or two. The Turk crew had to go on a training mission compliments of Tseng.""I was wondering why he wasn't at the company today. Since your here, do you want something to eat or drink?""How about you covered in chocolate, and whipcream?""How about we save that for dessert and eat a real meal first." You replied. Going over to the kitchen you went to take out the spagheti left over from last night but Rufus stoped you by picking you up over his shoulder and taking you to the frontroom. Sitting you down he said, "I'll cook you something, consider this a early anniversary gift."You sat back and listened as he went into the kitchen and began cooking. Suddenly your phone rang, "Hello, Hope here." (I will give you a diffrent name eventually, just let me think of a good one first.)"Hey Hope, it's me Rhea." (in Reno story it is Liz but I'm changing it.)"Rhea hi, wha't up?""Not much just thought I would call and see how things are going.""Things are great, how is everything on your end?""Same old, Cloud is still acting like he likes Tifa but I know that is all a lie, he never is serious about any girl.""Rhea, I think that I found that out the hard way.""Oh yeah, sorry. So how are things with you and Rufus Shinra?""Good he is here right now fixing dinner, what about you and Rude?""Fine, just wish he was here, he called and said Tseng was making them go train for today and tomorrow.""Ya Rufus told me about that, hey can you hold on a sec I got another line. Hello this is Hope.""Hello Hope, it's Faye, I was wondering if you could come in on Saturday.""UM, I am sorry but I have plans on Saturday you see it's me and Rufus's one year anniversary.""I compleatly forgot, it's allrigth thank you for reminding me I will have to get you two something.""You don't...""Yes I do, becouse if I didn't Rufus would probably think I'm a evil sister. You know how brothers are.""True, I better go Rhea is on the other line.""Allright I will see you next monday then, enjoy your week off.""I will night Faye. Rhea you there?""Naturally, who was it?""Faye, she was asking me if I could come in on saturday.""Oh, Hey we should do a three way and see what's up.""She is at the company still working.""To bad."Just then Rufus came in the room and pulled you onto his lap and startd kissing your neck."Hey stop, I'm on the phone.""Let me guess Rufus is in the room.""Of course.""We should trick him, act like your talking to some other guy. Cloud maybe." She laughed"Allright Cloud, so what are you wearing?""So you agree to the plan, I'll act like him in case he can here. I'm wearing a black tank with a pair of army pants.""Sounds hot.""It was going to be for Rude but since he is gone for tomorrow it will have to wait, so any planes for saturday?""You could come over while Rufus is at work and we could..."Before you could finish Rufus grabbed the phone and shouted into it."Cloud you palyer wannabe, stay away from Hope you got that or I will have you killed."Holding back laughter you could hear Rhea reply."No prob, I don't swing that way any how.""Rhea? Damn." Hanging the phone up he turned to face you, "you are going to get it for that little trick.""Really what are you going to do?""Just this," He smirked.Pushing you down on the couch he began to tickly you. Laughing you cried out, "No far!" and tryed to get away, only to be pulled down and him to stradle you preventing you from getting up.When he felled you had payed he got up and went back to the kitchen and got dinner out of the oven. Walking to the dinning room you were greeted by the table bing set with lighting being done by candles."Rufus, this is beautiful, you didn't have to.""Yes I did, couse I know you love candle ight dinners, and I have something I want to ask you, something really special."Pulling out a seat he helped you sit and pushed you in, then went and grabbed you your meal.He had made the spagheti frim last night, but he had also cooked some fresh garlic bread. (Not the best cook is he, lol) To your Surprise he had also brought out some white wine.typing break. (Narn: This is so sweet! Me: And it is all for you. :'))After dinner you and Rufus had gone into your room to relax and watch a movie. It was your turn to pick it tonight and you decided on Little man. (It is funny I just watched it yesterday)Rufus had relaxed a little during dinner and agreed to hold off on dessert till you both had a chance to relax.An hour and fifteen minutes into the movie you got up and went into the the kitchen. You had figured last night that Rufus would want to have some fun on Saturday so you had bought some fresh ripe strawberries and covered them in chocolate when you got home.By now they were dry and ready to be ate so you took them and headed back to the room. Before you went in you went into the bathroom and changed into your black langera. Slipping into your bathrobe you headed into the room."Welcome back. I see you have something behind you.""Sit back, close your eyes and open wide." He quickly obyed and you placed one of the strawberries into his mouth."Now chew it.""Mmm." Opening his eyes he seen you had brought in a dish of chocolate covered strawberries. "I see your ready for some fun." Picking up one of his own he placed it on you lips and let you bight into it.As you two ate the strawberries you slowly slipped off the bathrob so that he could see what you had on under it. He looked down at it and nodded in approval, then pulled off his own clothes.
Soon as he had his cloths off he crawled up the bed till he was ontop of you and started to kiss your neck. Wrapping your arms around him you held him close. As he kissed your neck he moved his hands to your chest and undid the bra then pulled it away and onto the floor. Once that was out of the way he bent down some and started to nibble at the tips of each breast. Letting out a soft moan you began to play with Rufus's hair. While your one hand was in his hair your other made it's way down to his member and began to stroke it. Giving a moan he looked up into your green eyes and locked lips with you once again. Before you could even let out a single moan of your own Rufus had pulled off the rest of your langera and insereted two fingers.Gasping you bucked your hips making him go deeper. Soon as you pulled back down he started to thrust his fingers in and out of you. Moaning you you let go of his member and put your hand in his hair alongside the other.As soon as you ended the kiss he pulled his fingers out and inserted his now erect member. Thrusting he pulled you up into a seated position and began kissing you again. Slowly you started to make the kiss deeper and moved your legs so they were wrapped around his waist. Pulling out of the kiss Rufus growled and went down to your neck. Sucking on it he placed kisses down each shoulder and swon your collar bown. As he made his way back up he shoved you back down on the bed and thrusted deeper till he hit a spot that caused you to gasp out his name. You knew that he would be getting tired soon so you took over and thrusted him into you hitting that spot again and again. you could hear him start to moan out your name so you sped up.It wasn't long before you both reached your climax and fell back into the bed. Rufus pulled himself off and layed back on your bed. Snuggling up close to him you whispered into his ear, "I love you Rufus Shinra."Letting a smile come onto his face he whispered back, "I will allways love you Hope Shinra."
(Narn: Did he just call me Hope Shinra? Me: Yeap Narn: Y? Me: Read on to see)Sitting up you looked him in the eye. "Did you just say Hope Shinra?""Yes, Hope I have been with you for a year almos, but I feel like I have been with you for all my life. I don't ever want to see you hurt or with another guy. What I'm saying is, Hope will you honor me with your hand in marrige?""Rufus, of course, oh Rufus I love you so much!"Getting up you watched as he pulled a bo out of his descarded pants. Holding it out he opened it up. Inside was one of the mose marvolousrings you had ever seen, it had to have cost him a fourtine

looking for love in all the right places p.12 lemon

RE:20 minute's laterSlowly regaining contesness you tryed to sit up only to find that you had been chained down to a bed. Struggling once more you growled. Finaly you gave up and layed on the bed, just as you layed back the door opened and in walked a shirtless Krauser, as he came closer you could tell he was sad, so you asked, "What's your problem you basterd?""First off don't ever call me that, second I was actually feeling bad that I have to do what I'm about to, but now I think I'm just going to enjoy myself.""What the hell are you talking about?""You see my Boss, Wesker like pain, and he also has control over my life, if I don't obay he will kill me, that is why I have to do this," He smirked and crawled onto the bed.0_0 *hides from the evil lemon* Me: *drools* Krauser! *glomps him*Krauser: *smirks*Growling you tried to kick him away but were unable to do to your chains on your legs."Now now no need to fear me, I don't bite.""Fuck you!""I believe thats what we are going to be doing." He said and ran his hand down your face, you reliezed that he no longer had the blade arm.Before you knew it you had been undressed and so had he, you hated how faced he moved when he wanted to. Placing a kiss on your lips he began running his hand up and down your side sending shivers down it. Feeling sick to your stomach you began to try getting away again. Geting annoyed Krauser used more strength and pinned you down, "calm down, like I said I will try to make it not hurt, but you have to cooperate with me."Holding back tears you allowed him to kiss you again and he slowly pushed your legs apart. Feeling him lower himself you bite into your bottem lip to provent yourself from screaming but there wasn't any pain.Looking into your eyes he smirked, "See I told you I wouldn't make it painful.""Just get it over with.""As you wish," he sighed and started pushing into you.After a few minutes he had you moaning, you didn't know why, you hated this but it still. After a few more thrusts he fell against you then rolled off. Turning your head away you kept tears from falling, you wished that, that never happened so you wouldn't have to explain to Reno that you had been rapped yet you still had enjoyed it.