Thursday, January 8, 2009

looking for love in all the right places p.12 lemon

RE:20 minute's laterSlowly regaining contesness you tryed to sit up only to find that you had been chained down to a bed. Struggling once more you growled. Finaly you gave up and layed on the bed, just as you layed back the door opened and in walked a shirtless Krauser, as he came closer you could tell he was sad, so you asked, "What's your problem you basterd?""First off don't ever call me that, second I was actually feeling bad that I have to do what I'm about to, but now I think I'm just going to enjoy myself.""What the hell are you talking about?""You see my Boss, Wesker like pain, and he also has control over my life, if I don't obay he will kill me, that is why I have to do this," He smirked and crawled onto the bed.0_0 *hides from the evil lemon* Me: *drools* Krauser! *glomps him*Krauser: *smirks*Growling you tried to kick him away but were unable to do to your chains on your legs."Now now no need to fear me, I don't bite.""Fuck you!""I believe thats what we are going to be doing." He said and ran his hand down your face, you reliezed that he no longer had the blade arm.Before you knew it you had been undressed and so had he, you hated how faced he moved when he wanted to. Placing a kiss on your lips he began running his hand up and down your side sending shivers down it. Feeling sick to your stomach you began to try getting away again. Geting annoyed Krauser used more strength and pinned you down, "calm down, like I said I will try to make it not hurt, but you have to cooperate with me."Holding back tears you allowed him to kiss you again and he slowly pushed your legs apart. Feeling him lower himself you bite into your bottem lip to provent yourself from screaming but there wasn't any pain.Looking into your eyes he smirked, "See I told you I wouldn't make it painful.""Just get it over with.""As you wish," he sighed and started pushing into you.After a few minutes he had you moaning, you didn't know why, you hated this but it still. After a few more thrusts he fell against you then rolled off. Turning your head away you kept tears from falling, you wished that, that never happened so you wouldn't have to explain to Reno that you had been rapped yet you still had enjoyed it.

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