Thursday, January 8, 2009

my lovely lady shigure story p.3

chapter 3Sitting down in the back seat next to Akito you held back a yawn and looked out the window. "So tell me where would you like to go Shiwa?""Im not sure it's a nice day maybe we could go to a park.""That sounds like a good plan we cna have a picknick lunch there later How about before that we go to this fair that is in town?""That sounds perfect I haven't been to a fair in years.""Allright Hatori to the fair.""As you wish just don't push yourself to much sire, we don't want you to get sick.""I know Hatori." He sighted and sat back into his seat.Looking towards you Akito asked, "Why not tell me some more about you, like wh isyour favorite actor?""I would have to say Jhonny Depp, he was amazing in Pirates of the Carribean.""I haven't seen theat yet. I don't watch to much T.V. or movies, what about other things you like?""Well you allready know I like to wrote, lets see, I like anime and video games, I can't really think of much else.""Anime, what's your favorite?""Right now it would have to be Naruto.""I haven't ever heard of that one.""Well it's mostly a fighting one." You explained to him then blushed because you had admitted something a little emberasing.-_- your wierd, Me: yes yes i am but your still here so no complaing XPLater that day after lunchSitting on a swing you relaxed as Akito pushed you from behind."This has been a great day, thank you Akito, I've loved it.""That's good, my why don't we go back to te Sohma estate we could watch a movie or smething.""that sounds good to me." You laughed jumping from the swing. Headed back into the car you suddenly got a chill down your back like something was wrong about this. Shaking it off you pulled your seat belt on and relaxed into the seat.After what seemed like minute you pulled up to a house at the estate, Akito got out and helped you out. Stepping into the home you were amazed to see it was bigge then it looked, if you were a theif you might get lossed. Following close behind Akito you let out a shiver, it felled like you weren't going to be leaving this place anytime soon. Shaing off the thought you looked ahead of you and relized that you had been led to a bedroom."um Akito what are we doing in here?""I think you know very well my dear Shiwa.""Akito!""Oh don't act surprised," he laughed and shoved you n he bed with more force then you figured he had. Before yo ucould get up he was next to you and had you handcuffed to the bed posts and then your legs werelocked in chains. Quickly you began struggling as he moved away and you let out a freightened scream."My dear girl, no matter how much you scream no one will hear. That's the beauty about being head of this family I can order them to leae and not come back till around 11 at night." He commonted with a evil chuckle as he undressed.Still stuggling against your bonds you let out another scream hopping that someone might have come back a few hours ealier then they should have. With the same evil smile on his face he walked back over and with a quick flick of his arm cut off your outfite and then covered your mouth so you couldn't scream again. Letting out a sob you began to shake as he crawled onto your now neckid shaking body."Shh, there's no reason to fear me, wel there is but right now I wnt you relaxed." He whisperedas he petted the sides of your face with his middle and pointer finger. Bending down he pushed your hair away from your neck and began placing kisses down it. Holding back a whimper you felled him part your legs and move so he could enter you."I know this is quick but it's allready 10:56 the maids should be back soon and I don't want you here when they get back." He sighed and pushed himself into you as ruffly as possible. Chocking back another screa you felled him grabe your hips and force you to move with him. Quickly tears began to stream down your face as he kept forcing himself into you. While at the same time sucking rufly on your breasts.After what seemed like hours of torcher he finaly collapsed onto the bed and sighed."Now that wasn't so bad was it Shiwa?"Getting up he walked over to the dresser and grabbed two keys and came back to you and unlocked the cuffs and chains. "Now get out before the maids return I don't want them to see a necked woman outside of his home or etate." He growled leading you to the door.As you stepped out you felt a blanked be dropped on you. "Can't let you freeze." He laughed then went back inside slamming and locking the door. Wobbling from the pain you were in you left the estate and headed towards Shigures with tears rushing down your face.He so going to die!!!! Me: oh he will but not anytime soon unfortanatly, or maybe not at all who knowsthere is number 3 ^_^ 4 out soon ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

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