Thursday, January 8, 2009

Alfred Ashford oneshot and lemon

It was close to midnight as you walked into the building you had left not even half an hour before. You had been called back to this place that you refured to as the hell hole. Pushing the button for the top floor you let out a sigh. The ony reason you were called back into work after hours was because your boss, Sir Alfred Ashford, had wanted you to file the days signed paper work and to finish the weekly news letter. He chose you because you were the one person he loved to torcher the most out of all six hundred employees.As you stepped out of the elevator and into the dimly lit hall you were greated by the soft sound of someone playing the violen. Figuring it was just Alexia, Alfred's twin sister, practacing as usual. Walking down the hall you soon reached the overly familer desk that you sat at day in and day out. Walking off to the right of it you came to Alfred's office. Normaly you would sit at your desk as others came and asked to see him, and woundered why is it he never allows peole in that office with out having requesting them to come himself. Tonight instead of all the others it had been you, his so called faithfull secratary to get called in.Knoching on his door you heard him call for you to enter. Pushing open the door as gentaly as you could you slipped in the room and shut the door as was asked. Sitting down in the only chair avalable you watched as Alfred shuffled threw a few pages he had been reading just a few seconds before. Acting as if he just relized it was you that had come in he set the papers down and pulled out a bin of papers to file. Pushing them across the desk he said, "here is your filling when you are done get started on the paper.""Yes sir." You replied and picked up the fairly large bin of papers. Walking out of his office you couldn't help but fill as if he had been watching you leave and in the process staring at your ass.Pulling your desk chair over to the file cabnet you began pulling out page after page from the box and sorting them into the approprite folders.While working you began to get the feeling someone was watching you. As you began having chiles run down your back you slowly loked up from your almost finished work and looked around the office space. Finding no one around you decided to quickly finish up your work on the newsletter so you would be able to go home and get some rest before you had to come back in at seven in the morning. Just as you were about to return to typing up the final section on the new regulations the phone began to ring. Picking up you answered, "Yes this is Krista, do you need anything sir?""Will you please return to my office Krista?""Right away sir." Having him hang up you returned the phone to its receiver and stood up. Woundering what he wanted you walked back to his office. Stepping in you were stuned to find that it was now lit with candles instead of the desk lamp like before. Stepping in more you found that there was a lasagna dinner set out on two plates. Begening to become nervous you turned towards were you thought Alfred was sitting only to hear the door shut and lock behind you. Turning you were abruptly met by Alfred pressing his lips against yours causing you to gasp and try to shove him away only to have him push you against the door and pin your arms above your head.Pulling away only enough to allow you to breathe, he looked you deeply in the eyes and stated. "Krista, please forgive me for that. If I'm correct it was the first time you have ever been kissed.""Sir, please your hurting my wrists." You whispered fearing what he would do to you.Quickly realesing them he turnied away from you, "If you would like I would love to have you join me for dinner, I doubt you have had a chance to eat since luch today.""Thank you sir, I am hungry.""Please Krista call me by my name, sir makes me sound old, I am only 27.""Si...Alfred why are you acting so diffrent then how you normaly treat me? And why did you just kiss me?" You asked sitting down and taking a bite of the food."I think that the kiss explains itself. As for being nice when I'm normaly so cruel, I can't stand hidding my feelings towards you with hate anymore.""But isn't it forbidden to have a relatonship with another employee?""I made that rule Krista, therfore I can break it, or if you wish just get ride of it all together."This was the biggest shoke you had reseved yet, Alfred wasn't one to get ride of a rule he created to keep his emplyees in line. There had to be some sort of catch to it. As if reading your thoughts he added smirking, "of course if I did this you would have to be mine.""I don't know abotu this, Alexa would have a fit if she found out you were giving us some freedom wouldn't she?""Alexia is my sister, she would understand. So what do you say?""I really am not sure Alfred, I don't really have to much time as it is, when I'm not here I'm in Raccoon city taking care of my parents. We wouldn't get any time together between work and them.""I'll help take care of them. I can have them admitted to the best hospital if needed.""Are you sure you want to be with me." You sighed."I have been in love with you since I first layed eyes on you Krista, nothing will change that." He replied taking your chin and tillting your face up.Watching him you tried to figure out if this was all an act and if you would be fired for caving. Giving up you asked him one final question, "Have you been watching me work?""Yes I have, only because I couldn't help myself.""Alfred you just answered your own question then.""Relizing you just said yo woudl be his girlfriend he pulled you into another kiss this one even more passonate then the last. Wrapping your arms around his neck you made the kiss deeper while he slowly placed his hands on your waist and directed you to one of the walls. Pulling away you raised an eyebrow as he felled for something on the wall. Finding what he was looking for he pressed down on a hidden switch and the wall slide away.Before you could turn to look at what was behind the awll he kissed you once again and picked you up. Moving into the room he hit antogher swithch this time with his foot and placed you onto something squishy.Finaly being allowed to pull away you inspected the new room. It was smaller then the office and was also lit with candles. It was just light enough for you to see that this room was a hidden rest area, do to the fact that you were sitting on a water bed. Turning back to Alfred you were greated by him being only in boxers. Backing away further onto the bed you stamered, "Alfred what do you think is going to happen?!""I believe that we are going to be having a little fun then we will rest here for the night." He replied with a sexy smirk that caused you to melt."Alfred I don't think I'm ready for this.""Don't worry we can go slow with it till you are comfortable with it, trust me, I won't hurt you if it can be helped."Looking into his eyes you found them to be full of consern.Felling your heart pond faster you pulled off your top and layed back, you had come back in wearing stretch pants since you hadn't had much to wear and your work pants had just been tossed into the washer. Soon as you head was rested against the pillows Alfred came around and layed down so he was facing you. Kissing you once again he began to run his hands alongg your back to help you relax. At one point he had gave you a look asking if he could go further and you nodded your head in approval.Filling him push the top of your pands and underwear down to the point were he could fully kiss yoru stomach he moved down from your lips and did just that. While he kissed you he moved his hand and inserted two finger into you causing you to buck your hips and him to go in deeper.Fearing that he had just hurt you he looked up at you. Showing him you were fine he sighed in releaf and continued kissing your stomack and lower cheast. Fully enjoying this you let out a maon and moved with him. Since he was still parshily laying on you, you could feel he was getting hard and was wanting to go further then just this.Pulling his hand out of your lower regen you reached back down and pushed his boxers off of him. Looking at him you could tell he was surprised by this so you decided to show him you were ready. Leaning up you gave him a passoniat kiss just like the one you shared as you come into his office earlier. Deciding now would be good he positioned himself and entered you as carfully as he could so you wouldn't be in to much pain. Having been ready for this you bite onto your tongue and kept yourslf from letting out a scream. Soon Alfred had gotten dwon the rythem and you joined in as he began to nibble on your neck.Soon you had reached both of yoru limits and as you were climaxing you both moaned out each others name. Fallig back on the bed you sighed and felled Alfred pull you close to him. Resting against his cheast you decided to tell hm what you ahd felled like saying so many times threw out the years, "Alfred, I love you.""I love you to Krista and I allways will." He replied holding onto you tightly as you drifted off to sleep.Me: go to the results so I know you read it PLEASE!!!!allright i'm getting better at these, at least i think i am!!! anyway hope that you enjoyed, message me with any comments on it and read my other stuff!!!

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